How to change the size of Start Menu Reviver

Start Menu Reviver 2 allows you to choose between 3 different sizes of the user interface. Here is how you can choose the size:

Video Transcript
Hey guys, Mark here from ReviverSoft.
Today I’m going to show you how to change the size of Start Menu Reviver.
By default we have Start Menu in Reviver taking about this much. Which is roughly one seventh of the desktop. It’s a little bit larger than standard start menu from Windows 7, obviously not quite as big as the full on start screen from Windows 8, but we think a nice balance because it allows you still to use the tiles with the touch screen and gives you a lot of real estate to place applications in the start menu.
But there is a way to change the size of the start menu and this size you’re looking at right now is what we’d call medium size. To change it to large or small, you can click on the settings option within Start Menu Reviver. Then go to start menu settings and then you go to the start menu option and you’ll see here there is a setting for start menu size. You can see it’s set to medium. If you choose small and then save it. The next time you open Start Menu Reviver it’ll be significantly smaller than before. You can also make it large. If you go back to the start menu area again with the settings, change it to large, save that. Then the next time you open it, it’ll be quite a bit bigger than before.
Depending on your screen resolution or your preference for having clear visibility of the things that are within Start Menu Reviver you can set it to look however you wish. You might just wish to keep it at the medium setting. You’ve got a choice then.
If you’ve got any questions or feedback on the way we’ve done this, please leave a comment in the comment section below. Otherwise, just contact us through I look forward to seeing you in a future ReviverSoft video.
Thanks for watching.

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