“Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar believed that democracy enabled us to make revolutionary changes in the economic and social life of the people without bloodshed. We should thus see democracy as a process that promotes positive change processes across multiple areas – the political, the economic, the social and the personal, and across various levels – the national, the state, district, village, locality and family.
The continuing conflict in the world, the rising threat of climate change, growing economic inequality amongst countries and within societies, and the continuing presence of patriarchy, race, ethnic and caste bias, discrimination, and oppression are all agendas that can see and end with the deepening of democracies and by enabling participatory democracies to flourish.
In light of this year’s theme for International Day for Democracy, “Empowering the Next Generation”, it is imperative that we acknowledge the instrumental role that youth play in driving democratic progress. It is equally essential to recognise that we integrate their voices into decision-making processes that determine the course of their futures and society. Furthermore, the voice of young women and youth from marginalised communities must to be heard and integrated into inclusive democratic practices.”