Meet the Team: Jess, Brand Relationship Manager

Meet The Team-JESS

Because we’re a pretty great bunch here at LiB HQ (if we do say so ourselves), we thought we’d let you all get to know the team a bit better. We’re talking deep and personal here guys, it’s riveting stuff. Well, kinda… Today we’re introducing you to our Brand Relationship Manager, Jess.

Where are you from?

What’s your role at LiB?
Brand Relationship Manager

What’s on your desk?
Special K, endless hand creams, face mists and candles and of course hand sanatizer for when for the office dog makes a visit!

Describe yourself in three emojis:

Your colleagues would describe you as…
A fun-loving, organised, sociable, rosé drinking sun seeker

What are you most likely to have for lunch?
When I’m trying to be healthy I’ll go for a spinach, tomato and chicken salad with a bit of balsamic vinegar… but sometimes I just have to go for the cheese, pickle and sundried-tomato Pret sandwich!

Your go-to makeup look is…
Max Factor Facefinity Compact (always!), topped with loads of bronzer, pink blusher, mascara and a nudey pink lip

Any beauty sins?
Is it bad I just always buy a new sponge when it needs washing?

Office pet peeve?
The AC battle

Name 3 favourite BYOB products (Build Your Own Box, FYI)

Balmi Roseberry Lip Balm – nothing worse than dry lips so I’m never without a lip balm wherever I am!

CYO Crush on Blush – a must-have addition to my go-to makeup look!

Sanctuary Spa Nourishing Rose Petal Hydrogel Sheet Mask – Monday evenings are made for face masks and this sheet mask is the best and leaves my skin feeling so smooth and refreshed!

Fancy giving Jess’s favourites a go?

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