10 things you need to know before going to a festival


Festival season is well and truly upon us, which means you have – no doubt – been inundated with festival-approved beauty and fashion inspiration doing the rounds. If you’re not a seasoned festival goer, planning the details can be overwhelming, therefore, we’re sharing the 10 things you’ll benefit from knowing before attending your chosen festival…

1. Practicality is key

With festival inspiration comes numerous photos of your favourite celebs serving up some ornate, catwalk-inspired ensembles, but for those celebs attending Coachella, their experience will be a far cry from the likes of us mere mortals who are battling with our often-plummeting festival hygiene levels in the unseasoned UK heat. Knowing this, it’s vital to ensure your outfits are comfortable and sweat proof (not to mention, chafe proof – we’ve got your back, ladies!) To up the ante of your festival look, adorn yourself with beauty accessories like temporary tattoos and glitter. Jewellery brand Orelia offers a diverse range of intricately designed festival beauty props, and when it comes to bold brows, statement eyes and beautiful bindis, they’ve very much got you covered for making a statement. For maximum impact, the Temporary Face Tattoos greatly compliment the brand’s Elaborate Arm Band. Why not add them to your next box?

2. There’s no such thing as too much glitter

Thankfully for you, Latest in Beauty is all over the glitter scene this festival season. Glitterlution’s Glitter Pot is a great option for getting creative from head-to-toe, and the best thing? It’s completely biodegradable, sustainable and vegan – perfect for the more conscientious party animal. For glitzing up your eyes, Glitter Eyes’ Pressed Glitter Pigments (coming soon) are a dream to work with; no glue, no mess – just many sparkles. Great for festivals and fully waterproof, once worn, the glitter is easily wiped off – totally fool proof and a momentous time saver.

3. Wipe clean!

With little to no facilities for a shower, wet wipes and hand sanitiser are essential products for your festival kit. Perfect for a quick and effective top-to-toe cleansing, AA Skincare’s festival-approved bodycare wipes are formulated from natural extracts and essential oils, including antiseptic tea tree oil to cleanse and remove bacteria and aloe vera to leave skin cool and calm. Add to your next box! In regards to hand sanitiser, Merci Handy offers a fun, diverse range of scents for every occasion.

4. Dry Shampoo is a MUST.

Dry Shampoo is very much an essential when it comes to attending a festival as washing your hair is a luxury you’ll likely have to miss out on. There’s no need to fret, though, Lee Stafford’s Original Dry Shampoo is an all-round festival hair hero; working to refresh and revitalise hair without leaving any residue.

5. Only carry the essentials

Bum bags may be a major throwback to the 90s and far from stylish in design, but they’re great for carrying only what you need, ensuring nothing gets in the way (that means you can focus your efforts on more important factors, like dancing and day drinking). The last thing you want to do is lose track of your valuables when in crowded areas, so this style of bag is perfect.

6. Be strategic in choosing your spot!

Don’t just rock up anywhere and settle for the duration, choosing your spot is as important as the acts that follow. Find a shaded spot and be on the look out for trees, as if it’s hot, your tent can quickly feel like a furnace, and sweat levels will be rife. Secondly, never camp next to a path just in case it rains – a mud slide isn’t as fun as it sounds when you’ve had one too many drinks, therefore we suggest aiming to camp on higher ground.


One to remember always: your SPF. Sunscreen is one of the most important things to factor in bringing with you to a festival, especially if the weather is on the hotter side. Festivals were not introduced for tanning purposes (save that for the beach) and you don’t want to be that friend that spends the majority of their time applying cold compresses and aloe vera gel to their lobster red skin (been there, done that, wouldn’t recommend). Stick to SPF30 or above if you’re more sensitive to the sun and apply regularly.

8. Stay hydrated!

It goes without saying but staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do while letting loose at a festival. And yes, we mean water and not alcohol (always alternate between the two – not only will it make you feel better, but it lessens the hangover blow).

9. Don’t lose your juice!

If you want to keep your phone alive all weekend, you’re going to want to stock up on portable chargers – the more the merrier when our phones are concerned. Right? How else is anyone going to capture your questionable dancing moves? If you’re concerned over your phone’s welfare (cracked screen? No thank you) then we fully recommend going old school and bringing an affordable disposable film camera.

10. Prepare for bad weather!

Since it’s the UK, and even if warm weather is forecast, you’d be smart to prepare for the worst. Wellies and long socks are a must, not only for warmth but to prevent wellies rubbing if you get drenched. A fully waterproof rain mac is also an essential, so avoid cheaper ‘showerproof’ alternatives, because let’s face it, when it rains, it pours. It’s also worth considering bringing a tent that has a section that is separate to where you sleep – no one wants to sleep with their mucky, wet wellies and leaving them outside comes with many risks.

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