Blogger of the Month: Life With MCM


Latest-in-Beauty-life-with-mcmAt LiB HQ, we love reading blogs and often spend any spare moment reading through all of your great blog posts and feedback on your latest Build-Your-Own boxes. The LiB gang is constantly growing and that’s down to you lovely lot and our collective of great beauty bloggers sharing the love. It’s so exciting when our favourite bloggers share their must-have Latest in Beauty discoveries, therefore each month we chat to one of our faves right here on the blog. This month we caught up with Megan from Life With MCM, who has stumbled across some great products on LiB that she’s captured beautifully in her photographs.

Tell us a bit about your blog and what\’s hot right now…

My blog is primarily focused on beauty with a new mix of fashion and lifestyle. I love talking about and sharing my favourite beauty products, the latest trends that work for me as well as some tips and tricks I discover along the way. Trying and testing new products not only satisfies me, it benefits my beauty knowledge and I love teaching myself new things in the beauty world. What\’s hot for me right now is a minimal fresh face and a strong brow!

Your go to make-up look is…

As I mentioned, I absolutely LOVE minimal fresh makeup at the minute. Not only is it quick and easy to apply, for the summer months transitioning into autumn, it\’s easy to jazz it up a bit with a bold lip or strong brow. Glowing skin is a must all year round for me, minimal or not!

What’s your current skincare routine?

The past few weeks I\’ve actually whittled down my skincare to just a few favourite bits as a lot of products can make my skin break out instead of improve it. For the mornings I like to keep it simple with ice cold splashes of water to wake up the skin, an eye serum, light moisturiser and a lip balm. In the evenings I always prefer a bit of a pamper so I\’ll go in with serums and oils and I\’m loving the Mitchell and Peach Face Oil right now!

How will your makeup bag change for Autumn?

My makeup bag changes quite a bit from season to season but I think this autumn i\’ll be keeping it more minimal but with a few more stronger lip shades than I normally go for. Maybe I\’ll be putting in a few oxblood lip shades because why not?! I\’m going to try and be more experimental with my looks!

If you could raid one person\’s makeup bag, whose would it be?

One person\’s makeup bag… that\’s a toughie. I\’d have to say Victoria\’s from In The Frow. I\’m always loving her fresh face base recommendations and her lip choices are so me.

Favourite discovery from your latest LiB box?:

My latest LIB box introduced me to a lot of new brands but my favourite discovery has to be the Philosophy range and probably the Shower Gel. I love bath products for a little indulgence and this is so beautifully scented and is so soothing on the skin.

The blogger/YouTuber made me buy it:

The Ordinary skincare range – and now I\’m so happy it\’s in my life!

Lipstick or lipgloss?

Lip gloss ALL the way!

Any beauty sins?

Being lazy quite often with my skincare. Oops.

Best piece of beauty advice you\’ve ever been given?

The best piece of beauty advice I\’ve ever been given is from my nan and thats to splash your face with fresh cold water every morning. It brightens my skin, wakes me up and has always done the trick with keeping my face feeling fresh all day. So simple but effective.

Check out Megan’s gorgeous blog and get inspo from her latest selections before creating your own box! Don’t forget to share the love using #LoveLiB!

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