Meet the Team – Jemma, Editor & Social Media Manager


We love beauty, you love beauty, so we thought it would be a nice idea to let you guys get to know us a little better. And when we say us, we mean the whole team behind Latest in Beauty, because we’re a pretty awesome bunch! A lot of work and dedication goes into bringing you the best selection of products to try each month, and behind the scenes, our team is constantly working hard to source beauty treats that we know you guys will love. So, you want to delve a bit deeper into LiB and find out who we are? Keep reading. We’re talking deep and personal here guys, it’s riveting stuff. Well, kinda. Today we’re introducing you to our Editor & Social Media Manager, Jemma.

Where are you from?
Salisbury, Wiltshire

What’s your role at LiB?
I’m the Editor & Social Media Manager and If you hadn’t already put two and two together, I write this blog for you all. I am also the girl behind LiB’s social channels so I’ll apologise now for all the gif action, I’m a little obsessed. Other aspects of my job are to write all product descriptions, reach out to bloggers and manage all Latest in Beauty reviews. Oh, I’m also the other half of our photography team, along with Ellie our Digital Marketing Executive – collectively we’re called Jellie! Kinda cool, right?!

What’s on your desk?
My desk is in no way tidy or organised. However much I try to be tidy it just doesn’t happen… What I do have on my desk currently is a tonne of beauty products, the remnants of my breakfast (marmalade on toast), approximately six Merci Handy hand sanitizers (although I have them hiding everywhere so there could be more), hair vitamins, my journal and my notebook. Oh and not forgetting the twenty million pens that don’t work, heaps of scrap paper and receipts that I forget to expense.

Describe yourself in three emojis

Your colleagues would describe you as…
Annoying, funny and a feeder.

What are you most likely to have for lunch?
If I’m being sensible, Ryvita Finn Crisp with low-fat cream cheese and cucumber, but let’s be real, it’s not very often that I stick to plan. I usually alternate between a salad box from Planet Organic or a sarnie from Pret or Waitrose. If we’re being naughty, pizza obviously.

Your go to makeup look is…
I wear very little makeup to work unless I have something exciting happening that day. I stick to a natural base with a bit of mascara and highlighter if I’m feeling fly.

Any beauty sins?
Popping spots – I can’t leave ‘em alone. Oh and not washing my makeup brushes regularly…oops!

Office pet peeve?
When you can hear people’s music through their headphones…

Name 3 favourite BYOB products (Build Your Own Box, FYI)

Benefit Platest-in-beauty-novicerofessional Primer – I love Benefit products
and this primer minimises the appearance of pesky imperfections and helps my foundation adhere to my skin for a long-lasting, practically poreless finish.

philosophy amazing grace shower gel – I’m not one of those gals who can just opt for the £1 shower gel on offer – forgive me, but when I’m in the shower I like a little luxury. This scent is subtle but it’s exactly what I would imagine a unicorn’s mane to smell like. If that doesn’t sell it to ya, I don’t know what will.

The Library of Fragrance Gin and Tonic Cologne Spray – I’ve been a fan of The Library of Fragrance for a very long time and this was the first scent I ever bought. Obviously, a G&T is what you’ll find me drinking 99% of the time, so why should I not smell like my fave beverage too? This gorgeous citrus scent is extremely refreshing and is perfect for everyday wear. What really sold it to me? You can enjoy gin without the headache come morning!

Fancy giving Jemma’s favourites a go?

Follow Jemma

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