Equity & Diversity: 6 Countries with the World’s Most Inclusive Workplaces


Picture: Tim Mossholder / Unsplash 

Many countries are trying to become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. By doing so, they can make their residents feel more welcome while improving workplace innovation and creativity. 

Of course, some countries are doing better than others. Indeed, the countries below are often described as among the most diverse and inclusive in the world. Let’s take a look at what sets them apart. 


Australia has a long way to go before it can say it’s an entirely diverse place to live and work. However, the diversity in Australian workplaces has undoubtedly improved in recent years. Businesses have access to diversity and inclusion services that generally also assist with socially responsible procurement and other practices that make a real difference in people’s lives. 

Australia’s national identity is built around respect, mateship, and a fair go. As a result, it ranks highly on the international inclusiveness index. 


Canada was once considered the most inclusive nation in the world. In fact, it was the first country to pass a national multiculturalism law. This law was designed to preserve culture and language, reduce discrimination, and enhance cultural awareness and understanding.   

However, Canada doesn’t just fight for inclusion in their own country; they fight for it on the world stage. They have been known to promote inclusion and diversity through the United Nations. Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau said we can’t build a better world unless we work together, respect differences, protect the vulnerable, and put people at the heart of all decisions. 

United States

The United States still has a long way to go before it can say it’s a diverse, equitable, and inclusive country. However, there’s no denying how far they’ve come. 

We saw the launch of the Welcoming America non-profit – a movement dedicated to creating inclusive communities and ensuring everyone belongs, including immigrants. Studies have also found that America has inclusive attitudes about immigrants who have gained citizenship, even if they don’t speak English or have a job.   


If you’ve ever thought of moving abroad to study or work, you might like to put Germany at the top of your list. At least 14% of people in Germany have an immigrant background. Germany is also among the top LGBTQ-friendly countries, with 88% of Germans believing people in the LGBTQ+ community should have the same rights as everyone. 

This European country is also known to welcome refugees. They have the fifth-highest refugee population in the world, with 1.2 million asylum seekers registered in Germany in 2015 and 2016.


Italy is by no means perfect regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. However, there’s a reason it ranks highly. Laws guarantee the rights to autonomy and independence for people with disabilities. Gender equality has also improved in the last decade, and companies are now providing unconscious bias training.


Spain is a popular travel destination, but it might also be a desirable country to settle down in and start a career. It was one of the first countries to legalize same-sex marriage and has anti-discrimination laws for businesses. The Spanish Constitution also guarantees equal rights for men and women, with various policies to promote gender equality. 

Additionally, you might be pleasantly surprised to learn that Spain has international human rights agreements to protect ethnic minorities. Many government policies have been established to combat racial discrimination and avoid social exclusion. 

No country is perfect regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion. However, it’s apparent that some countries are doing better than others. If your own business hasn’t yet implemented policies to protect the most vulnerable members of society, now might be the right time to do so. 

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